What To Expect For NaBloPoMo…

First day (well actually it’s day 3, but it’s day 1 after I officially signed up) and I don’t have any idea what to write about. Although that’s not quite true. I have several ideas what to write about, but it’s 9.30 PM and my brain is too tired to write an interesting blog post. And I’m determined to not write uninteresting blog posts during the NaBloPoMo. Even though if something is interesting or not might be debatable in any case. But at least I want to think that the post I’m writing is somewhat interesting. Not much interesting on my mind tonight though.

Throughout the day I thought about possible topics to cover in the next few weeks and maybe I should start this with just listing some of these ideas. There will be posts about

  • TV shows (of course *g*)
  • why trains are my favourite means of travel
  • Indian Summer
  • why I love watching hockey
  • books (at least one – “The Book Thief” which I’m currently reading)

and a lot more stuff, I hope. The “Why” posts I actually plan to write this week, so I hope I’ll really get around to do it. Right now I’ll be preparing for the TV Show post though. Well, not really. But I’ll be visiting the White House for an episode or two now.

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