Scotland Vacation 2015 – Stornoway

Glasgow wasn’t and probably never will be “my” city. It just didn’t click and I didn’t take a lot of photos. None that are worth sharing anyway. So here is the next batch of photos, from the lovely tiny town Stornoway, which is the largest town on Lewis and Harris. 8.000 inhabitants ;-) It has a nice, little shopping area around the harbour, a few cafés and restaurants. Some rather upscale, expensive, so the choice of low-cost dinner options was a bit limited. But I knew that before. I had coffee and cake and such a few times in the lovely “Delights”, which was an adorable tiny shop/café at the harbour, the light pink building in the last picture. That’s also where I bought a beautiful mug (which seems to be my standard souvenir *g*)

During the day I was out and about on the island most of the time and when I wasn’t, rain was most often the reason for that, so that meant even lovely Stornoway wasn’t picturesque to take a lot of photos then. Here are a few though. Photos from my trip around the island: Standing Stones, Brochs, Beaches and so on will follow in another post…

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